Cone shell sampling -1
Some example cone shells, members of the Conidae. Soldier Cone , Rhizoconus miles Hebrew Cone, Viroconus ebraeus The Hebrew Cone, Viroconus ebraeus, and the Soldier Cone, Rhizonconus miles, are both examples of worm eating, vermivorous, members of the Conidae. Textile Cone, Cylinder textile Nussatella Cone, Hermes nussatella The Nussatella Cone and Textile Cone are both seasnail eating, mollusciverous, conesnails although the radular tooth in H. nussatella is said to resemble those in vermivorous species. The Textile Cone, Cylinder textile, is especially venomous, its sting can be fatal to people. Striate Cone, Prionoconus striatus Prionoconus striatus, the Striate Cone, is a fish eating, piscivorous, species, its venom highly to